Seas Sensor

 What was expected

The main aim for this project was to create a device that can be attached to buoy. This device is used to measure the temperature and severity of the waves at the shore and then it sends the data to an app using WLAN so that swimmers can access the data.

Many people die each year in Ireland from drowning in water that is not safe to swim in, either because of the temperature or the strength of the waves. The purpose of this device is to help reduce the number of deaths. The swimmers can look at the data on the app in the comfort of their own home and the app will show them whether it's safe to swim on the shore or not.


What was achieved

I have a working device that takes the temperature and sends it to the Sigfox back end, which then sends the data received to the thing speak website.


How to set up

1.    Connect you sipy to your pycom board

2.    Take your breadboard and put all 3 (power, data, ground) temperature sensor wires in the holes of the breadboard as shown in the video.

3.    Place a 5.1k resistor in between the power and data wire.

4.    Place 3 new wires on the 3.3V, ground, and pin23 holes of the pycom board.

5.    At the end of the rows of the temperature sensor wires on the breadboard, place the 3 new wires in the holes.

6.    Connect the pycom board with your pc using a power cable.

7.    Open VS Code and install the pymakr extension. Also download node.js if you don’t have it.

8.    Write your code and run the files.

A screenshot of a cell phone

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A screenshot of a cell phone

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A circuit board

Description automatically generatedA picture containing electronics, indoor, computer, table

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Equipment Used

Pycom Board


External Wi-Fi Antenna

Waterproof temperature sensor (DS18B20)

Resistor 5.1k




Software / Websites used

VS Code (Node Js) (attempted)




Videos / Websites




I tried to connect the Sigfox with my wia but the website wouldn’t accept my api keys

A screenshot of a cell phone

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